Join Our Afrofuture Community

Become a Member

As a TASI member, you can experience the afrofuture at your own pace and connect with those on the journey. We want to ensure that every afrofuture journey benefits your life, helps you gain a new perspective, and inspires you. Join us as a member and let the afrofuture adventure begin.

Global Community

Connect with like-minded people to explore the possibilities of the future. As you take your afrofuture journeys, you will be able to discuss with other afrofuture thinkers what inspires and challenges you and advice on implementation.

Grow Your Afrofuture Knowledge

Enjoy exclusive content to help you cultivate your afrofuture thinking. Starting this May, we will launch our first online course, Dreamweaving with Dinkinesh.

1:1 Afrofuture Coaching

Receive extra support with a one-on-one journey with Ingrid LaFleur. As a Sirius or Supernova member, you can ask Ingrid questions about integrating afrofuture thinking into your everyday life.

Upcoming Members-Only Afrofuture Journeys

  • Self-Guided Online Courses

    We are launching our first self-guided course, Dreamweaving with Dinkinesh, this May. Through a series of meditations and daily imagination exercises, you will create your own world at your own pace and expand your connection to the afrofuture.

  • Afronaut Explorers Club

    Every third Saturday, we gather to discuss a piece of Afrofuture content. Be it a book, essay, film, music album, or TV series. Together, we will be traveling the afrofuture through the creators of experiences.

  • Afrofuture World-builds

    Every second Saturday starting in June, you have a chance to apply what you’ve learned in the self-guided course. Collectively, we create new worlds, approaches, and realities.

  • Singing Bowl Sessions

    Once monthly, Ingrid LaFleur leads virtual gatherings and plays the singing bowl as we dream about the afrofuture. We invite members to join us with their signing bowls for a meditative, sacred moment with the community.

Choose your membership plan

Luna--Monthly Membership
Every month

Enjoy being in an afrofuture community. With the Luna membership, you can join us for mind-expanding discussions and collective imagination exercises.

✓ Updates of afrofuture events globally
✓ Participation in the Afronaut Explorers Club
✓ Singing Bowl sessions for imagining the future
Nebula--Monthly Membership
Every month

Join our growing afrofuture community! Receive an abundance of resources to inspire your afrofuture thinking. For the novice and the expert of Afrofuturism, this membership will expand your afrofuture knowledge.

✓ Unlimited yearly access to all self-guided courses
✓ An Afronaut Explorers Club membership
✓ Invitation to the monthly Afrofuture World-Builds
✓ First to know access to all of our upcoming experiences
Supernova--Monthly Membership
For 6 months

Supercharge your membership with a personalized daily plan curated specifically for your needs and desires. Because, everyone needs something different to cultivate their afrofuture thinking.

✓ 6-months of personalized imagination exercises
✓ Twice monthly one-on-one sessions with LaFleur
✓ All the benefits of the Nebula membership
✓ First to know access to all upcoming experiences
Sirius--Monthly Membership
Every month

Deepen your connection with the afrofuture. In addition to Nebula's member benefits, you can schedule monthly one-on-one afrofuture coaching with Ingrid LaFleur to help guide you through your journeys.

✓ Monthly 1:1 Afrofuture Coaching with Ingrid LaFleur
✓ Unlimited yearly access to all online courses
✓ An Afronaut Explorers Club membership
✓ Invitation to the Afrofuture World-Builds
✓ First to know access to all of our experiences

*Annual memberships receive a 15% discount:

Luna Annual Memberships

Nebula and Sirius Annual Memberships


  • Do you often think about the future? Do you enjoy imagining what-if scenarios? Are you curious about how to research the future? Do you crave being in a community to have more discussions about the futures of Black people? Then, a TASI membership is for you. As a member of TASI, you will have the space and resources to imagine your desired future and explore the impossible.

  • The benefits are endless. You will receive tools of direction for imagining Black futures, gain futures researcher skills, and be able to optimistically engage with the future while remaining grounded. The best part is being in a community to converse about your findings.

  • Once you become a member, attend the upcoming afrofuture world-build and start with this month’s selection for the Afronaut Explorers Club. Begin your afrofuture journey here.